Help with workflow

18 Oct 2002
After several years of pretty much only using a phone and Google Photos I'm now hopelessly disorganised with my SLR.

I'm currently shooting with the SLR, then every few days connecting it to my MacBook and Apple Photos sucks new images off the card into one multi-gigabyte Photos Library. From Photos I spin through favouriting ones I like and exporting them. I'm then importing those files into Aperture and processing, exporting a few finished files. Some of them get uploaded onto Google Photos, from where they might be posted to FaceBook, Instagram or Twitter.

It's a mess!

What software and workflow are people using for casual photography that involves basic processing (think Aperture not Photoshop), archive/catalogue, some cloud storage and social media sharing?

Cannon 7D, MBP, Android phone - don't what a subscription service like Lightroom!
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