Help with X58 + Noctua Clearence

6 Apr 2009
Hi all, just received an email back from OC about this but I just want to make sure it's going to work before I order.

I'm about to order an i7 with 2 of the 6gb Patriot kits, the 1366 Noctua cooler and a P6T SE, and i'm slightly worried as to whether there will be any problems with the Noctua not clearing the height of the ramsinks.

The machine will be used extensively for high poly rendering in 3D max and Maya so im expecting things to get pretty toasty and therefore am also wondering if the motherboard cooling will be suitable for this kind of usage?

The build will most likely end up in either a Silverstone Fortress or a TJ09 in regards to case cooling.

can anyone help out?

(sorry if this is in the wrong section)
in the picture it looks like it sits above the 1st ram slot,would this be a problem with ram that sits tall like the corsair dominator?
so with both fans installed you can add or take out tall ram like corsiar dominator,without having to remove the heatsink,another idea would be to take the fan off is this easily done?
Those Noctua fans are pretty easy to put on & remove really, they use wire clips and so you'll need to be able to get a fingertip to the top and bottom of each side. It can be a fiddle if your case is smallish (like my Antec 300) as the roof is close to the edge of the mobo and hence it's a squeeze to get the top fan clip off, but it can be done.
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