Help! Xonar DX won't work

23 Jul 2008
Hey guys, been around these forums for a little while now, but have never got round to posting. So for my first post I could do with your help. I've just purchased an asus xonar dx from OCUK, I went to install it last night, got it in the computer, fired it up and attempted to install the drivers from the disc. After it went through part of the installation it came up with a message saying that it had failed and to try fitting the soundcard again. So far I've tried it in every PCI-E slot on my motherboard, PCI-E x1 and PCI-E x16, it comes up with the same message. I've attached the card to the power supply over and over again, making sure it was definitely connected. I've ran out of ideas about what it could be. Any of you guys know what the problem could be?
Is it lighting up orange in the case? And is the back of the card colourful with led's just to make sure it has power going to it.

Thanks guys. At first I didn't realise it needed additional power, but soon found that out when nothing at all would happen :p I searched for problems to do with my motherboard (evga 680 sli) and the asus xonar cards and found that there were a few issues with the old bios, like you said g0th. So downloaded the newest bios to my motherboard and success!

I watched my first blu-ray movie with my new xonar card last night, honestly the sound was fantastic, 100 times better than what the onboard sound produced. I also bought myself some goldring dr100 headphones :D my entry into the audiophile market. Maybe get myself a pair of senn's next, even though for the price, the goldrings are superb, especially coupled with dolby headphones on the xonar.
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