
20 Apr 2003
in a house
is it possible to do something with the background in this shot, only when sorting the shots l8ta did i spot the crease in the background........they say you learn the hard way :( by this time the girl had gone so i couldn't re-shoot. i have cs2 to use ;)
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you could use the clone stamp tool, to try remove the crease although that would be hard to look good. Oh, quick question; why did you decide to use the background anyway? I feel that would have been nicer her sat on the grassoutside on a warm sunny day with some daisies or something. :)
un42nately, living in the middle of a housing estate, grass and daisies r in short supply & backgrounds outside r always cluttered :(
I can remove the crease
I can remove the background to a blank blue
i can stick her in a field

which would u prefer

quick example


chose what u want in the blue space, obviously baring in mind perspective, she would look silly sitting under the statue of liberty, etc etc.
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ok ChroniC, go ahead & let me see all 3 but i'm really interested in the "how its done" , i got this huge ;) program (cs2) laying around on my hard drive & only know how to use 10% of it :o . If i could learn more it would be the "kick in the preverbial" :eek: to get out & shoot more seeing as i now got a nice sigma 24-70 2.8 & a 70-200 @ xmas :D
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Ok il shall go fiddle for a bit

Il tell you how.

I took the magic wand tool. It makes a cut box around her, you can adjust how strong it gets when looking for colours, on the tool bar at the top. Think mine was set to about 60, fiddle with that. Click the background untill you get the best match to cutting around her. Then i just painted that selected area blue, or i could merge in another photo etc etc.

Theres a start go play.
:D :D nice work, i,ve just had a dabble with the clone stamp & was pleasantly surprised, thxs you guys for the help


oh yeah & a slight crop :)
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flogger said:
:D :D nice work, i,ve just had a dabble with the clone stamp & was pleasantly surprised, thxs you guys for the help

oh yeah & a slight crop :)

Alos just as good and some time better because u dont get a reapeated pattern is the heal tool.
Select a close similar colour, and then just draw over the bit u dont want, and it trys to blend them together. Use both together for best effect.
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