Heroes & Generals

I haz 4090!
18 Oct 2002
Anyone playing this? Looks like it's been released as a standalone Steam game now, whereas I think it was just browser based before. It's actually really fun, it reminds me of MOH:AA mixed with the original CoD in a way. F2P but obviously you can buy gold to acquire more guns and upgrades. One thing that worries me is the upgrades seem a long way off just by grinding. Where's my credit card? :D

Let me know your user IDs and I'll add you to friends, maybe we can get a game going.
I have installed it, can't wait to check it out I played the hell out of the original CoD and its United Offensive expansion. Need a great WW2 game hopefully this is it :cool:
Been playing this game a lot recently. Just levelled passed recon but I'm still an infantryman.

LOVE IT! Even bought a new gaming mouse and some in-game gold for a sniper :D
Just started this, played a couple of missions. I've not really read any instructions so just winging it. So far I get more kills than deaths so can't complain too much.

Seems fun, but guessing that without investing real money you're going to be limited
Downloaded this on Steam a day or so back and am bloody loving it. The enemy doesn't have nameplates or any form of identifying graphics hovering their heads, which is a huge bonus in my eyes. I just love sneaking about in the undergrowth, finding a spot and picking Nazis off with my trusty M1 Garrand (using uprated match ammo). So far I'm getting way more kills than I'm dying, and at my age in a FPS that can only be a good thing.

Haven't taken part in the actual full-on war campaign yet, as that requires you to be Lv. 3 (I'm currently Lv.2, but halfway to 3). You can train instantly to allow you to enter the war campaign via in game currency, but I thought I'd take the time and learn the game first.
I started playing it, the utter grind fest put me off, I don't mind some grind but this is next level.

Good fun though
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