Heroes of might and magic demo out!

Nice one.

Long time HOMM3 fan. Gave version 4 a miss as I thought they were tweaking the game too much, this is meant to be a return to the game of old.

Cheers for the heads up.

Downloading it now from this location: HOMM5 Download

I'm getting a steady 150KB/Sec on 2mb so not to shabby. File size is 668 Mb.
Anyone played this yet?

I am currently downloading from the site posted above at around 262kb/s

Cant wait to play this. All new to me.
Getting from that link at 400kbps. CHEERS!

HOMM3 was awesome and still played by me and my brother. HOMM4 sits in the cupboard gathering dust, It's far lest strategic.
Anybody getting massive frame rate drops/slow downs when viewing from behind the hero?

If I vie the hero from the front then the game flies along. As soon as I pan the camera round to behind the hero it's is unplayable.
Thanks for the link, 1200kbs goodness here, rare when downloading demo's. Hmm 9 mins in total :D
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