Heroku - how do I access code/database?

18 Oct 2002
Been given control over a Heroku app and I need to access the code/database but have no idea how. Bare in mind my coding knowledge is next to none. I believe the app was developed using Jango/HTML with an SQL database but cannot figure out how to access it all. Is there a section of the site (once logged in) or an application that simply allows me to look at the code? Thanks :)
Success I think. I have logged on to Giithub and found the repo. After installing Github for Windows I have found a series segments which can be viewed and within each of these, code can be viewed. Please excuse my impending noobness. Some code segments start with xml so I guess this means I guess that's self explanatory? The sections that contain what I am after; can't tell what code but sections are in a .py extension - is this python?
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