Hex - Shards of fate (online card game)

24 Oct 2005
North East
Hey all.

Anyone else play this, after playing hearthstone for awhile and i saw this pop up on steam the other day i thought id give it a go. But its very confusing.

So far ive played the tutorial, tried the arena with a generic dwarf deck it auto made when i selected it from my cards menu and im losing badly. :( Dunno anything about how to build a deck in this game, how to play effectivly etc.

Too used to hearthstone and thats simple compared to this game.

Any advice would be welcome especially on what type of hero i should be and what is the best way to use a deck and which is the best one free given the cards i was given after i signed up for the game yesterday. I think dwarf or orc was mentioned on some utube vids so thats why i am trying dwarf atm. But either i never get enough resources compared to the ai or my minions are crap so when i attack they get slaughtered by the ai blocking me with his bigger amount of minions or somit.
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