Hey There

5 Apr 2006
Hello all. I finally decided to sign up after months of daily browsing of this here General Discussion part of the board. Will be great to finally chat among you guys and girls and join in on the fun. FAQ has been read and i now await Scuzi with his token welcome picture haha.

Hello and welcome to the forums :)

Today I shall advise you to avoid:

VonSmallhausen :p

Welcome to the nuthouse:D You will never leave unless those dons get to you:p
Hey, not really Huddersfield, i'm from classy Dewsbury but Huddersfield is probably the closest known place to there so meh :P
Will be in Huddersfield for 4 years come September though going to Uni there.

Edit: nah i can't see me in them sandals tbh
R34P3R said:
Is it really that bad?? Only venture into town when i got frees duing college.

lol Na it's alright, I haven't looked into the actual Uni much as I want to move away from Huddersfield (Student lifestyle and all that blah), the Uni itself is supposed to be alright, I'm going to Leeds though.

What College are you at? Greenhead here.
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