HGV driving hours question no one seems to know...

13 Jan 2004
If i have a job that comes under working hours so 40 means i can average an extra 5 driving a week to bring me to the allowed 45hr average per week averaged over 2 weeks.

My question is I go to university this month. Does my university class as work because I am not paid?

I asked a driving company and they didn't know.
I took my class 2 to be able to work Saturday and Sunday but now the question has been posed that means i can't which in effect buggers me.
If uni is classed as the equivalent to work then i can only do 1 day every 2 weeks. I've looked on the hours thing but there's nothing specific to education or what it counts as?
Basically i want to earn as much money in a short space being legal. Truck driving suited because i only want weekends and no drivers want to work weekends. So it works in theory.
So am i supposed to log a manual entry of other work every time i use the truck for the previous week?
That's the impression i get from people?
I thought I'd be ok as 20hrs driving over a weekend i thought would be within limits?
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