Hi and questions

3 Sep 2016

I just registered in OC adn the forums to buy some stuff, but my bank application messed up when it was asking for the card details, now i have 4 pending orders, which are not confirmed, but i had enough of it, and switched to paypal, which made the whole deal much more easier. However, OC sent me an email, that that specific order came through, money has been sent, but in "my orders" that order number still says, its "Pending - not yet confirmed".

What is going on, and how can i cancel the number of orders that are still in pending, but not the one that has gone through (altho it says its still pending).

I spent some £2200 on this one, and if its not coming on next saturday (DPD Saturday) im going to revert the transaction on paypal, that they have never send me the items.
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