Hi-fi and Computer Furniture

7 Aug 2003
Hi everyone,

I don't know if anyone has seen, but this is how my room looks at the moment:


I was wondering if anyone could recommend me some furniture for my computer and hi-fi. I would like separate units for both, but thought I might get a better response if I posted here instead.

I'm thinking some kind of shelf unit for my hi-fi separate (I'll be adding a CD transport and DAC in the next few months, possibly a tuner too, and then, eventually upgrading to a separate power/pre amp/PSU setup).

And a compact unit for my Computer...

I don't have a budget it mind...but I don't want to spend a stupid amount!

Cheers in advance!
Get yourself a decent set of speaker stands from a company like Atacama, Partingdon or similar. If you can find some on a well known auction site, probably a good move, after all, they're either broken or not.

Ref your PC desk, go check Ikea, they have a variety of stuff that's good value for money.
Just tried to find my desk on the site as for value for money its spot on!

Was about 60 quid has 2 high shelves above monitor, a drawer on the left
and a nice space for your tower. Really is a nice desk, cant remember the
name of it atm though

Cheers for the help everyone :)

I have spotted some really nice desks on the Ikea website and I have also found some speaker stands on that famous auction website which will suit me just fine!
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