Hi-Fi - cabling related...

28 Jun 2006
I have a Hi-Fi and it came with 5 speakers. All of the speakers have the cables with two wires on them, the ones that usually clip underneath a red and black clip on the back of the Hi-Fi. The problem is, is that my Hi-Fi only has two of those connectors, so I can't connect my other 3 speakers.

Is there anyway that I can add the red and white plugs to the end of the wires and connect them into the back of the Hi-Fi that way?

Thank you :)
If the unit was supplied intended to use 5 speakers it should have connections for those speakers readily available. It sounds like you have a stereo Hi-Fi unit and 5 speakers which is odd. You suggestion for adding phono connectors shouldn't work as the phono connectors on it should be inputs, not outputs and certainly not speaker level outputs. Could you post a pic of the rear of the unit and the speaker wire ends?
First off what you have isn't a Hi-Fi.

Secondly some Aiwa speakers use RCA plugs (high level) for their speakers, if your midi system is complete then you're not connecting it up right. I had a Aiwa midi system (what a waste of money that was, horrible sound quality) and the treble drivers connected to the base unit with RCA cable, to specific "treble out" RCA output

Those RCA plugs (red and white) are usually line level so not suitable for speakers, however like I said, Aiwa does use RCA for high level, it's just a connector so whatever speaker has RCA connectors there should be a respective output. You can't plug in the speaker wire into RCA plugs (into line level)

Read the manual.
Yes, those satellite type speakers may use phono at high level (creative sets seem to too, but I was thinking it was 5 full range speakers). The 3 satellite speakers should be terminated with the suitable plugs, is this a brand new unit? Read the entire manual as squiffy suggests, it really should say somewhere in there.

Otherwise, it is possible this is second hand? If so, the previous user may have cut the plugs off to use the speakers with different amplification. I can't read the writing on the main unit connectors, but there appears to be quite a few phono connectors so it seems probable that is where the 3 speakers connect.
Yes, its second hand. I don't have the manual and thats why I asked on here for some help.

Thanks for the suggestions and help, I will play about with it and get it working :)
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