Hi-Fi festival South

Man of Honour
26 Dec 2003
Any one going to this, it looks like a nice clubbers festival with a few good bands thrown in for good measure, il be working behind the bar as usual. Its the 26th and 27th May for anyone whos intrested www.hififestival.com
The whole organisation was quite shocking quite a few things that were on the site map on the website never appeared along with the amount of drugs that were allowed into the festival and even if the public didnt take any in we as workers would not of had a problem carrying what ever we liked into the arena including crates of beer as the scurity didnt bat an eyelid as long as you flashed your arena crew wristband. Even after all that was still a bloody good laugh although i was knackered after working a 11 till 4 shift on the last night so couldnt party :(
OoOverclockaoO said:
Did you hear about the stabbing on saturday btw, in the DnB tent?

It happened in the middle of the arena an hour or 2 after i finished my shift in the bar opposite where it happened, it was a bad night for abuse and general arsey customers on the saturday night especially ppl coming out of the DnB tent drugged up then abusing our staff, in the end we had to close the bars a few hours early.
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