Hi vis clothing

5 Apr 2009
West Midlands
Anybody here where it when riding their bikes? My dad's telling me I can't get a bike unless I wear a hi-vis vest on it. I'm pretty sure hardly any bikers wear hi-vis clothing. Pretty annoying as will look like a complete tool, I guess better than being hit by a car but nobody I know who has a bike has been hit by a car, not saying it doesn't happen just that is a hi-vis jacket necessary for a 50cc bike?
Fair enough. Cheers for help opinions guys. Thinking about just getting a hideously bright hoodie or whatever. :p
I have a Hi-Vis jacket on all the time. I said to my mum when I got my bike, I want to be seen and be safe. Also have a white lid for the extra visual. It's better to be seen than not. Just think of the advert where the guy drives out of the t-point junction and didnt see the bike. That could be you with no hi-vis on.

Bar the fact I'll have a 50cc bike which would be topping out at about 30mph. :p
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