Hidden recovery partition showing in 'This PC' after reinstalling IRST drivers

22 Nov 2002
Hi, I was trying different IRST drivers on my recently fresh install of windows 11to see if I could see if one was better.

I then kept getting an error during the installations of the drivers saying unable to inject the driver into the recovery partition, and that the installation is fine, but recommends I do this in case of a system failure.

I now seem to be getting that message every time, and since I can see the recovery partition listed in 'This PC', which is usually hidden.

Is there any way to fix this, so that it's hidden again?

I have tried uninstalling the drivers, and ticking uninstall software as well.

Removing the drive letter should make it not appear again.

Right click the start menu and go to "Disk management"

On the drives you which to be hidden right click on them and go to "Change drive letters and paths"

Click the drive letter and click on remove.

Press OK
Thats the odd thing, in this pc is shows as D:

When i go to disk management, though, it shows no drive letter on that partition and if I right-click there are no options.

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