High Def audio demo files?

16 Jan 2003
by my pc. :D

Just a quick question - anybody know where I might some demo files in high def audio format? Not so much DTS etc, but samples in 96khz, 192khz and/or 24 bit.

Just basically want to see how well the on board HD Audio chip copes, not to mention the DAC I have hooked up to its digital out.

Is there any apps out there which show you low level channels open on sound drivers/direct x to help determine whether the playing app is simply downscaling on the fly?

You could pick up any number of DVD-Audio discs from the usual etailers - most retail around the £10 mark or so.

The latest PowerDVD plays back DVD-Audio, creative used to bundle a sampler disc in with their cards when it first became available, dunno if they still do.
Thanks for that. I've downloaded their short demo file to at least see if my system is doing what it supposed to.

Had quick scan through their site, and found it rather amusing that you could buy their complete current collection of downloadable files on a netgear nas box for a "mere" £1,495! :D
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