High quality prescription glasses?

27 Jul 2012
I own a pair of crystal wilder glasses - https://www.glassesdirect.co.uk/glasses/wilder/?prca=PRCA50039697&aspect=front

They are scratched quite badly now (paid extra for anti scratch etc)

I was thinking of getting a pair for £29 from Glasses Direct using the MSE deal
Alternatively, I was thinking of paying triple for a single pair from Ace & Tate.

I work on my PC a lot, but not sure if blue light lenses are more effective than night shift on PCs.

Has anyone tried some high quality frames and lenses? The tiniest scratches put me off, I carry a microfibre everywhere, so I would really like to invest in some good ones. Or if they're all cheap, plastic crap, may as well go Glasses Direct.
I used to work for a contact lens firm. We supplied several large opticians including Boots, Moorefields eye hospital and many others. You have a set of small industry standards, for example the power could be .12 out either way (+ or -). Some opticians like Moorefields wouldn’t accept the tolerance, it was get it spot on or they’ll go elsewhere.

We would produce thousands of “stock” lenses for some opticians. These would be popular sizes and power combinations. They’d be sent to some opticians so they could have them “sit on the shelf” so to speak and pick out one for a customer giving a quick turn around. Would an optician pick out a stock lens near to the requirement but not a 100% match? I’d imagine some would, granted the difference might be very negligible but imagine this....

The optician was supplied a stock lens size is 7.75mm and -2.00 power but the power is .12 out of tolerance on the plus side (They come in steps of .0.25 blindness is 24.0) and size wise it’s 7.72mm. A customer comes in needing a lens power of -2.00 and the curvature of his eye is 7.80mm but the nearest the optician has is the -2.00 and 7.75mm lens, the size difference wouldn’t notice but the difference in size would make a further reduction in the power of around 0.25 giving the customer a now under powered reading of -1.67.

Hope that all makes some sense...

As far as I’m aware glasses are pretty much the same, it depends on the company your optician uses. https://www.essilor.co.uk/ were always one of the best along with https://www.zeiss.co.uk/vision-care...on/how-are-spectacle-lenses-manufactured.html who explains “stock” lenses.

How can I fit those good lenses on my glasses? Where do I buy them?
I never had any luck with any of the scratch-resistance coatings for plastic lenses. They all failed. So I've gone back to glass lenses. Problem solved!

Glass lenses seem to have weird light dispersion and I am too scared of my glass shattering in my eye! Im still young and stupid so its very plausible
For fixed focus lenses I wouldn't hesitate getting these online, but for vari-focals these are more sensitive to fitting.

Not sure what kind of adjustment folks are talking about, with a pair of pliers you can bend the arms and nose-supports where you want,
you've got to take care bracing them eg https://www.opticianonline.net/cet-archive/5842
... if you take them back to shop you didn't buy them in, for adjustment, and they break ... they could say they were fragile/poor-quality too.

The anti-abrasion/scratch coatings some of the Hoya coatings are as abrasion resistant as glass, but specsavers don't seem to publish anything about theirs;
The Hoya stuff on some vari-focals I have, has taken quite a few hits over >5 years, cupboard doors, car maintenance, dropping, but survived;
sitting down on the glasses presented the biggest challenge bending hinges/arms back in shape.

Anti-glare on both sides helps for driving at night I think.

hey man, where can i get my glasses refitted with hoya coated lenses? or can i buy the coating seperately?
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