High SNR Margin

17 Nov 2003
Beside the Seaside !
Just got hold of a D-Link 624 router as a replacement to the Home Hub.

Got a rock solid connection now with no line drops but only connected at 576kbps (IP Profile set at :500)

My SNR Margin is very high - up and down is both 30, with Line Attenuation at 31/47.

Any ideas how I can reduce the SNR Margin which would increase speed?

Or does the ISP have to set the SNR Margin? If so, will they adjust it automatically ( I, for my sins, are with BT :o )

Yep upload speed was set at 288kbps, so slower.

I say was because this morning woke up to find no ADSL sync at all :mad:

I have now tried 2 routers, 3 filters and changed the cabling numerous times - do you think I have now elinimated everything bar a line fault?

I suppose it better have a stiff drink before calling the BT Help Desk tonight - I just hope they dont tell me to clear out my cookies again :mad:
Thanks for the info Marmalade.

I am already bypassing any wiring issues as I am plugged directly into the test socket :(

The SNR Margin did drop during the evening from 30 to 19 at about 11.00pm when I logged off last night. I can only assume the SNR margin dropped too low and hasn't recovered.

Hope BT can sort this thing out it is driving me nuts :(
OK thanks for the advice will get on to BT - hope the Call Centre staff are a bit more switched on this time.
Thanks Teal mate for taking the trouble to post that link - very interesting.

I have just got off the phone to BT India - I am sorry to say they are next to useless - asked me AGAIN to delete cookies :mad: god that makes my blood boil.

Anyway no-one had a clue what I was going on about so it is being escalated to the fault team :rolleyes: also they are switching interleaving off to see if it improves the speed.

I wait with baited breath.

If I wanted to cancel BT could I get out of the contract, as I have only been with them for 6 grief-ridden weeks, and haven't had a decent connection yet :confused: :(
Just a quick update.

BT have ran tests for the past several days and cannot get Max stable anywhere substantially over 512kbps, so are going to leave me on a fixed IP profile, of 576kbps up and 288kbps down. :(

Attenuation is OK where I am (47) and my friend 150m away can get 2mbps, so I am at a loss as to the speed difference. :(

At least the line is now stable and doesn't disconnect.

Thanks again for all your help :)
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