High stock voltages

25 Aug 2004
I upgraded my rig a few months ago with an Epox 9NPa+ Ultra mobo and an X800XT. Looking at the voltages in the bios and in CPU-Z, they seem to be a little high for my Newcastle 3500+ 130nm which is rated at 1.5V:

1.58-1.6 CPU Voltage
2.72 DIMM Voltage (not sure if this is high or not for value corsair ram)

Im running a reserator 1 and getting 43C idle temperatures for the cpu.

Everything is running at stock and there doesnt seem to be an option to reduce voltages anywhere, should i be concerned about this or is it normal? And is there a solution?

Thank you

I dont know why but my 9NPA+ Ultra overvolted everything as well. CPU to 1.5v from 1.4 and the memory to 2.75v. You can change it in the BIOS, I think in the Power section. If you turn volts 'OFF' i think it puts it to 1.4 or you can select - 0.1v. I think 1.5v is stock for a newcastle, so just change it back.
Mikey1280 said:
I dont know why but my 9NPA+ Ultra overvolted everything as well. CPU to 1.5v from 1.4 and the memory to 2.75v. You can change it in the BIOS, I think in the Power section. If you turn volts 'OFF' i think it puts it to 1.4 or you can select - 0.1v. I think 1.5v is stock for a newcastle, so just change it back.

The cpu voltage setting in the power section is 'Off' and all the other settings are on auto, so it doesnt seem like i can change it back to 1.5V
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