I'm running a 2500K on an AsRock Z68 Extreme4, with a Thermaltake toughpower 675W. My 2500K is prime stable at 4.4GHz with either 1.26V, LLC on lowest setting (level 5, max VDroop) or 1.165V, LLC on highest setting (level 1, no VDroop).
Without LLC and 1.26V in BIOS, VCore under load droops a lot on my setup, to around 1.16-1.17V. And with LLC on max and 1.165V in BIOS, VCore stays between 1.16-1.165V. Is there any reason to prefer high VCore and no LLC, or low VCore and high LLC?
Without LLC and 1.26V in BIOS, VCore under load droops a lot on my setup, to around 1.16-1.17V. And with LLC on max and 1.165V in BIOS, VCore stays between 1.16-1.165V. Is there any reason to prefer high VCore and no LLC, or low VCore and high LLC?