
20 Oct 2002
I got this DVD free with the NOTW the other week (the only reason I bought the paper, I usually buy The Star :D). Now I remember this film being great when I was younger but my God, it's a load of crap isn't it! There are loads of holes in the story, the acting is pretty bad (where is MacCleod from? Scotland? South Africa? Latvia?) and you can even see the wires holding Christopher Lambert in the air at the end of the film. I was honestly suprised at how bad it was. Surely it can't have been a hugely sucessful film in '86!
lol, yes, I'd forgoten about his accent too! I thinks it's mainly the poor story line that lets it down.

Oh and for anyone that's interested, I found out Sheila Gish who plays Rachel in Highlander died last year from facial cancer.
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