Hilarious webdesign companies site!

Shoseki said:
They use tables for layout.

Are... they kidding, right?
They appear to be more of a graphics and creative design agency than a group of web development ninjas. It seems they have quite an impressive range of clients (even if their portfolio is painful to navigate).

You're right, though. That website is a bit rubbish ;)
you'd be surprised the amount of professionals that use tables for layout, even though it's considered deprecated. if you have a design manager that's set in his ways and doesn't trust change, you'll generally find that they are masters of table layouts and won't move to CSS unless you sit there and talk them through how to do it. i've recently been through this and it's not pretty :(

edit: that ginger monkeys website is very good-looking. and i really like the portfolio navigation, although it could do with an integrated "back" when you're viewing one of their clients
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looks like they like using flash and ambient music

I was waiting for something to happen on that page, while staring at the 70's wallpaper design :)

Seen worse tho, seems like they're more into graphical stuff and forgot to learn about coding etc. Loads of scripting errors :(

The way the site works seems really basic, 1 whole page with the same stuff on etc??? lol :)

I've seen a lot worse.

Some of their images on their sites are quite funny :)

ARGHH!!!!!!! STOP THE MUUUSIIIIICCCC *click* ah closed
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