Hiper Type-Pants 580w Modular!

4 Mar 2003
Anyone else had this problem with thier Hiper psu?

The light on the switch is on, but it doesn't power up the motherboard??! (the standby led doesnt even come on!). The thing seems lifeless.

Anyone got any ideas?? Really am lossing patients with it! :mad:

Nanoman said:
....Really am lossing patients with it! :mad:...

You're not plugging them into it are you?! :eek:

On a more serious note try plugging the PSU into the mains then getting a short piece of wire that's insulated in the middle (important bit that..don't want to become part of the circuit ;) ) and short out any green and black pin from the large ATX connector.It's safe don't worry.If the PSU turns on then it's fine..if not then it's dead :D
Hiper PSUs are quite a mixed bag I think :(

I have one at the moment, which is fine, but before that I had one that had to be RMAed. The problem there was that as soon as any load whatsoever was drawn, it would fail and switch off. It sounds to me like this is a bit like what you have there.

Basically, I would RMA it for a refund or a replacement. If you can get a refund, go for a Tagan or an Enermax or something.

// EDIT //
ExRayTed said:
It's safe don't worry.If the PSU turns on then it's fine..if not then it's dead :D
Although this is safe for you, it isn't good for the PSU - many require a decent amount of load to actually regulate their voltages properly. Many will not switch on by doing this and it can damage them as well. I've never tried this with my Hiper, but I would google that before you do it.
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might not be 100% dead so the shorting out test might turn it on, altho it might not be able to handle the load of the system starting up. So as good as dead.
I imagine you've checked , but I'll go with the obvious first , check the PSU cable connections haven't worked loose from the mobo.

" Hotwire " it and check to see if power is going to a molex ( This will rule out your mobo as faulty )


Just spent £70 on one of these and it should be arriving tomorrow... I hope it's OK. :o
I have an Enermax Liberty 500 as spare at the moment, just in case it blows..........might swap it out in the summer.
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