Hitachi Travelstar 7K320 :D

19 Oct 2002

next few weeks will see the release of the 7K320, the successor to the 7k200.

it is 2.5" (obviously) and comes in flavors of up to 250 and even 320gig and of course is 7200rpm...

best of all, its power consumption is on par with the lesser 5400rpm models :eek:

i knew holding out for a hdd would be worth it, the 320 gig one is going straight in my macbook ;)
does anyone happen to know when the 7K320 will be available? everything i have said just says it is "shipping now" but no shops have it?
although i would have thought the hitachi would come out on top again, i'll wait for someone to do a round-up of the big three and buy the best :)
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