Hitchin, Hertfordshire, this weekend - Free music Festival!

Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
It's Rhythms of the World

Apparently the UK's largest free music festival. :eek:

Last year was pretty cool *20 dead camels are great!*. Once again - several stages scattered throughout the town.

Will be going just for a laugh *and also due to me living 400 yards form the main stage*

More info - http://www.rotw.org.uk/

Anyone up for a visit to this dump of a town? ;)

Good god! :eek:
All these local people. You poor poor people.... :p

Beerbaron - what band are they in? Got the program here so can look up when and where they're on and take a shufti. :D

It's worth a trip - parking is a bit of a booger though as the car parks are taken over by the stages.

Should be a few spaces available though *trains are better though*

mrgubby said:
Just found out that there is an evening Air display at Shuttleworth today as well .

Just don't know what to do :mad:

Shuttleworth is only 30mins away...

Did it a couple of weeks ago. Great place *really must process the photo's*

Leave an hour earlier and then go to Shuttleworth. ;)

Well - it's been going on for just over 2 hours now...

It's a hot hot HOT day...

If you are going to pay a visit - bring lots of water/money to buy water.

There are a few changes to the program due to last minute cancellations - but not that many.

As for Shuttleworth - should be a good show with all the aircraft they've got there.

mrgubby said:
I'm just glad that I came by motorbike , got parked easy , I only managed to last 15 mins before I'd had enough of the crowd .

Why do people take young kids in buggies to a music festival

Flibster , are you in the block of flats above the garage / sports bar overlooking the car park/church area ??

It's been a bit busy. :D 30'000 people expected!

Sunburnt and knackered here - still got a few acts to see later on though - and lots tomorrow.

As for the buggies - I've had my toes run over so many times today it's unbelieveable. It's just stupid - then they winge at you for taking up so much space when you stop to say hello to somone..they're the ones that are 10 feet long and 5 feet wide!

Even worse - trying to take some pictures in the church using my tripod *got permission :D* and some little **** of a child is sat there kicking my tripod. So I move...and the little ******* follows me and continues to kick my tripod and me this time. :mad:

This means war so I "accidentally" stand on his foot and he limps off to mummy :D

Those flats have my Boss in. The garage has a Diablo SV regularly in the showroom as well in a nice garish orange.
I'm just round the corner from them *the other side of the sports bar* facing the exchange and the gym and flats.

First ones I've edited...

No judges please - thinking about at least one for the competition this month.

1) Toque Tambor - Muisical Director and one of the dancers

2) The Starlings *Maybe...*

3) Funky Strings conductor/performer

4) Toque Tambor drummer - she kept laughing her arse off.
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5) Babar Luck

6) Babar Luck's singing partner...whose name I missed totally.. Sorry.

7) Neuneneu

8) Joe Driscoll - who was fantastic!
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mrgubby said:
Good shots Flibster , I just didn't have the patience to cope with the crowds so it was 15 mins at Hitchin then of To Old Warden

They looked good (the engines made music of their own :))


Nothing like a few Bristols free to wobble around. ;)

*forcefully drags mind away from the multitude of other bristol jokes that could be made...*

Looks like it was as good a day for you as it was for me. :D RoTW was very busy. Busiest that I can remember - I've done 4 of the now - it was also the biggest pain to walk around - far too busy for a little place like Hitchin.

Amp34 said:
Hitchin a dump?? :eek: You definitly dont live in Stevenage then! :p

Nope...I work there through. ;)

Used to live in Norwich - not the best place in the world but a HUGE step up form anything nearby. :D

Amp34 said:
I didnt realise there were so many people living in this area on this forum!

It's a bit of a surprise to me as well tbh :eek:

Just found out when wandering past one of the stages - they were expecting 30'000 people yesterday...

They got 100'000ish people :eek:

No wonder it was a bit busy!

Anyway - just nipped back to the flat for a drink and a pee break after seing Blues Agent *photo's to follow*

If this Trio appear anywhere near you and you like blues music - go and see them - they're fantastic!

All done now...

Thank god!

Hopefully the town will be back to normalish tomorrow.

Saw the Korean dummers - Dulsori - and they were magnificent! So much energy being smashed into those Kodo drums. Breaking their 1.5" thick drumsticks :eek:

Then as a finale on the stage we had the Jive Aces - not as good imho as 20 Dead Camels last year but still a damn good swinging way to end the festival in the main town. The only thing louder than their music was their suits!

More photo's will be going up once I've gone through them and edited them.

I think today was quieter than yesterday - but not by much.

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Thought I'd better get the remaining edited shots up before this falls off the arse end of the forum

Blues Agents - the guitarist




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THe Blues Agents - The Mad Drummer *who looks a little like George Michael... ;)*

Smokin' Dick Burns - Intruduced as "A large drunken buffoon with a guitar who has suffered for his art... and now it's your turn"

Laura Hewison - Not only was she very good - she is very cute too. ;) *red hair and freckled does it for me...*
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