Hitman Blood Money

4 Sep 2005
Hello all

Was just wondering if anyone had a saved game or a cheat to unlock the levels? I was close to completing it before i had to format.

Thanks :)
There is one - google for it

Edit : Find the hitmanbloodmoney.ini file and add the line EnableCheats at the end of the file.

Then press C ingame and it give you an optiopn to skip levels.
Sorry to Bump an Old thread. But missus was on my computer today browsing for a Holiday, when she noticed I had Hitman Blood Money on screen. I was viewing some screens at the time.

I was just wondering, she placed an Order for Hitman Blood Money: Collectors Edition, that is the full game plus some other things right? She said it is, but I'm not to sure lol.
It comes in a flash box that won't fit in loads of dvd racks, looks nice though, comes with a bonus dvd (that personally I don't care about)
I only got this one as Game didn't have the normal one.
PinkFloyd said:
It comes in a flash box that won't fit in loads of dvd racks, looks nice though, comes with a bonus dvd (that personally I don't care about)
I only got this one as Game didn't have the normal one.

Same, I heard you have to compleate the game on each setting to get more money/unclocks, isit true?
Vita said:
I heard you have to compleate the game on each setting to get more money/unclocks, isit true?
Not noticed that myself. I have unlocked all the weapon upgrades aswell as the misc upgrades. So unless the other stuff is hidden I have it all.

*strokes his fully kitted out M4 and Silverballer*
PinkFloyd said:
Not noticed that myself. I have unlocked all the weapon upgrades aswell as the misc upgrades. So unless the other stuff is hidden I have it all.

*strokes his fully kitted out M4 and Silverballer*

Which setting was the game played at? Easy Normal Hard? :confused:
Well got the game in the post, installed, set to play.

I'll let you guys know how I think it is. :p
Didn't realise this thread was still going :p

Brilliant game though, my weapon of choice is the air rifle :cool:
Game owns, some levels are hard got upto the pr0n bit. Crows level took bloody ages, over 2 hours on Normal. But it's so sneaky sneaky.
I normally only carry a single silenced silverballer as backup, and occasionally a silenced SMG.
The fibrewire is my weapon of choice.

I'm playing through on Hard, on my first play. Some of the levels are just plain EVIL.

I've just given up on stealth on some of the missions, just opting for the "run in, shoot in the head, run out" tactic.
The first level has to be my least favourite. The boat level is great though.

It's annoying that you never get much opportunity to use the sniper rifle though.
Yeah, I've opted for Dualies. I love the Opera level, the case that you carry the Sniper in is so sexy. :cool:

However, reloading with dualies suck. So I opt for a stealthy posion injection. 8D
Dj_Jestar said:
Silverballer? M4? Call yourself a hitman?

Sedative, Poision, and remote mine to creat 'accidents' is all you need.
I'd rather trust a bullet to the head then an 'accident'.
I cant get past the second level, how do you get past the two guards that guard the guy upstairs? If i shoot them everyone comes, i cant seem to distract them to get them away. If i pick any of the locks they shoot me.
InwardSinging said:
I cant get past the second level, how do you get past the two guards that guard the guy upstairs? If i shoot them everyone comes, i cant seem to distract them to get them away. If i pick any of the locks they shoot me.

Theres a few ways too do it:

One might involve a sniper rifle.
Another could be finding a way onto the roof.
Or make you way up from below.

If that doesn't help let me know I'll drop a bigger hint
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