HL2 and Steam(ing pile of ****)

11 Mar 2004
i want to buy episode 1 from them online but the bloody purchase link in steam goes to a dead page, is anyone else getting that or is it just me ?
I've never had a problem purchasing over Steam. Could you do it on another PC?
I had this. A dodgey install of steam causes this apparently so a reinstally may fix this.

If not you can connect to the purchase page manually. I asked Steam tech support about this very thing and they gave me this answer...


Our developers are currently looking at this issue and we expect a fix to go live on Steam in the near future, however, I would recommend that you follow the instructions below to complete your purchases if you would like to ensure you receive the pre-order discount for Half-Life 2: Episode One.

1) Go to Start and "Run..."

2) Navigate to your Steam installation directory (by default this will be C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam)

3) Enter the following commands to bring up the purchase windows:

Half-Life 2: Episode One
steam.exe steam://purchase/79

Hope this helps at all. Episode 1 is a damn good game :)
My housemate has this problem, even with steam://purchase/79 . If anyone finds the solution, I'll be glad to pass it along to him!

It's weird, we're both on the same internet connection through the same router, both using FireFox etc. as far as I can tell there's no real different in our internet settings or setup. :confused:
Uninstalling Steam and then re-installing it has helped in the past. Just make sure you don't lose all your cache files, else you'll have to redownload everything again.
Just for the record, I have never had any problem with Steam. So people, try not to flame it just cause it does not work for you. It does work for the majority of people and it gives independants a life line to getting there games published without being screwed by a main stream publisher. It is new tech that is improving everyday and it can only be a good thing in a majority of cases.
RaMDOM said:
Just for the record, I have never had any problem with Steam. So people, try not to flame it just cause it does not work for you. It does work for the majority of people and it gives independants a life line to getting there games published without being screwed by a main stream publisher. It is new tech that is improving everyday and it can only be a good thing in a majority of cases.

Well said. Ive only ever had a few problems with it and on the whole its a damn good system. I have had the problem mentioned. If you search the steampowered forums; some one has described a fix to the issue. Apparently upon installation; the protocal used doesnt always correctly register. Registering it requires a registry adjustment. The person also made a small program that automatically fixes the registry entrie(s) pertinent for you.
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