HL2 Episode 2 new details

26 Sep 2005
Tonbridge, Kent
Rumours rumours

" Fans of the Half-Life saga that want their experience of the episodic content kept intact, should look away from this story as it reveals a lot about the upcoming Half-Life 2: Episode 2.

A story in the U.S. issue of PC Gamer magazine spills the beans on the new title although it does manage to get the release date wrong. The magazine claims that a new release date, spring 2007, for Episode 2 has been set but Valve's Doug Lombardi has already gone on record to confirm that the game is still on track for a holiday 2006 release.

The Episode 2 storyline details mentioned in the magazine, appear more reliable and claim that Alyx is alive and well and will help Gordon to deliver his package to Eli and Kleiner. The new episode will also provide further details on the elusive Vortigaunts and the G man while the settings will be much more realistic with emphasis placed on woods, a mine shaft and a missile silo.

Episode 2 will also introduce a new, ramming, vehicle created by the woodsmen, a further revamped version of the gravity gun and a new weapon known as the strider-buster. The gameplay will introduce large scale battles which will involve large numbers of enemies and allies.

The article also claims that the new episode will feature the most challenging physics puzzle yet while a surprise will also be included in the form of a new multiplayer game that will ship with Episode 2. It is rumored the new game may be the long awaited Team Fortress 2, set during the seven hour war. That final segment is however, guesswork as Valve has kept work on TF2 a closely guarded secret."
ben_j_davis said:
Rumours rumours

The article also claims that the new episode will feature the most challenging physics puzzle yet while a surprise will also be included in the form of a new multiplayer game that will ship with Episode 2. It is rumored the new game may be the long awaited Team Fortress 2, set during the seven hour war. That final segment is however, guesswork as Valve has kept work on TF2 a closely guarded secret."

They didnt speculate what Modification will be released with EP2 they just said a long awaited modification will be released.
Now the Team Fortress 2 thing sounds very interesting, especially if it's set during the 7 hour war. Will have to watch a little closely, as it could be just a sill rumor still.
DaveyD said:
Now the Team Fortress 2 thing sounds very interesting, especially if it's set during the 7 hour war. Will have to watch a little closely, as it could be just a sill rumor still.

Aye, if it is TFC2 I will be over the moon... I still have fond memories of TFC 1.5 :D. I would probably buy TFC2 stand alone if they released it seperately so with episode 2 is a bonus!

Lets hope.
That would be quite interesting if they released TF2, but there are a few paths they can take, they could do a 7 hour war thing, an straight update to the TFC model (ala CS:S) or they could do it set during the next combine invasion or defeating the remenants of the combine. I would love to see the 7 hour war, but the scope might be a little limited by the timescale.
What's the big fuss over TFC2? It sounded like a really interesting idea when first announced - no other games had touched team-work in quite the same way.

Then Battlefield 1942 came out... The Battlefront series, Battlefield 2, Quake Wars on the way - the mass team orientated genre is now saturating the market - they'd really need to pull something special out of the hat for it to be any good, and I'm quite doubtful.

ben_j_davis said:
...and claim that Alyx is alive and well

Though this doesn't rule out the possibility that she's killed later on in the game, and not be falling from a train hanging over a cliff at the start. ;)
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