ES1? You mean EP1? :p

Depends really, it is a very short game, around 4-5 hours +/- an hour.

It's best you complete Half-Life 2 to be honest before you do play Episode One, as it follows on directly from Half-Life 2. It's pretty pointless if you havn't completed Half-Life 2 in my opinion, as you're only going to like Episode One if you enjoy Half-Life 2.

There are no car / boat vehicle bits in it, but it does have a concentration of the best elements from Half-Life 2.

If you've got £13 spare that you don't mind parting with, go for it.
hl2 only takes a few hours to do, 1 day max, just nail through it quickly :)

but as said above, if you didn't like HL2, then no point getting EP1
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