Hmmm price cuts eh?

16 Aug 2005
Hi guys and girls!

Long story short my beautiful overclockers PC that I built just over 2 years ago has rolled over and croaked (I think the motherboard has gone to silican heaven).

Two questions –

1) Reading the forums a fair few people make reference to the price cuts that are coming. Is this just the ever changing world of hardware or is overclockers having some kind of sale I should hold out for?

2) When I bought the pc it was pretty top notch bits - /2 gig corsair ram/Athlon 3700+/gigabite GA-K8NXP-9/ top of the range PCIx ATI x800. Is there any point in trying to sell the components? Until the moby blew this was a beautiful and stable computer and it would be a shame for it to go to waste!(In fact I suspect the only reason that it died is that someone else decided that flashing the bios sounded like fun – mutter grumble housemate mutter grumble)

Thanks all!

Peace out

edit - yep its a gigabite board, I only just realised that the gigabyte reply was a seperate reply! Ill give it a go thanks.
To be honest though now that I have the thrill of a new pc in my blood I may well try and sell my old baby!

Hurrah! Is that the only real price cut? at that price I might as well get a quad core!

I know its a little foolish question but - where can i sell these bits? Can i sell it through overclockers and if not does it break the whole 'dont mention competators' forum rule? Anyone out there on the forums interested? Im based in Bristol so if anyone around here wants to have a look more than welcome!

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