hmmm, this is costing me money!

28 Oct 2002
Port Toilet
Not just in electric, Ive just gone out and bought a new system based on a 930 (Which will be clocked to 4ghz hopefully) with 1000mhz DDR2 Ram. :eek:

Hope its appreciated ;)
Learn to use the dark side of the force!

when I started seti I used to go scrounge anything I could from office clearouts, you'ed be amazed how meny 486s, P2/3s I had setup for seti at the end, most of em are gone now (we had a flood) :(.
My folding addiction has cost somewhere in the region of 5 grand in hardware (and counting :eek: ).

Luckily, I don't pay the leccy :p

It keeps me off the streets :D
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It's only cost me about £200 in an upgrade at the moment :cool:

Although soon it will be nearer £2000 :( (although it isn't only just going to be folding for that money!)
Its getting worse. I so want to borg the workstations where I work.....

I also want to borg all the laptops of the people round me...

Im not eating until I pay off this system.....

I've got it bad haven't I?
shadowscotland said:
mejinks - you could ask your boss - you never know, mine said yes :D

I contract for an organisation Im not allowed to tell you about and I certainly wouldn't be able to borg any of the 11,000 machines, added to that, there is absolutely NO outside accesss. :(
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