
I did see a YT video using Tiny11 and using under 10GB of space.

I made my own W11 ISO using MSMG Toolkit as I know then what's been done to the original ISO rather than relying on others to do it.
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I did see a YT video using Tiny11 and using under 10GB of space.

I made my own W11 ISO using MSMG Toolkit as I know then what's been done to the original ISO rather than relying on others to do it.
"MS"MC ya, that is from Microsoft right? They won't let you do one with the spy BS taken out,
I been tried Ghost Spectre Windows 11 Superlite a year ago on VMWare Workstation with 2GB RAM found Windows 11 Superlite used as little as 1GB memory which I thought was impressive but I never heard of Tiny11 until now.

I am shocked Tiny11 used as little as 384MB!!! :eek:

That is light as my old Windows XP memory usage back in 2001. :D

I never managed to achieved less than 1GB with MSMG Toolkit and NTLite, I will install Tiny11 on VM to have a look around find how NTDev managed to reduced memory usage down to 384MB. Look like NTDev Tiny11 put Ghost Spectre Windows 11 Superlite to shame.

I hope NTDev or somebody will find a way to boot Windows 11 64 bit on 32 bit UEFI so I can install Windows 11 on my old Linx 10 tablet.
I have to ask, and i won't mention the risks involved with installing an OS from a modified ISO, but what is it that you guys & girls find appealing about Ghost Spectre, Tiny11, NTLite and MSMG. Is it just the slimming down of the OS and removing the crud or is it their ease of use?

I guess what I'm trying to workout is why you don't take the DIY route and make your own ISO using the tools MS provide, is it a time thing or just that you weren't aware you could DIY.
I have to ask, and i won't mention the risks involved with installing an OS from a modified ISO, but what is it that you guys & girls find appealing about Ghost Spectre, Tiny11, NTLite and MSMG. Is it just the slimming down of the OS and removing the crud or is it their ease of use?

I guess what I'm trying to workout is why you don't take the DIY route and make your own ISO using the tools MS provide, is it a time thing or just that you weren't aware you could DIY.
It allows me to setup W11 how I want and remove crap that I never use so once installed I do not need to do it manually.
By the sounds of it then it's a case of not being aware that you can make your own ISO?

Obviously explaining all the ins & outs is a bit much to put in a single post but basically you'd start out by copying the files from the ISO to a folder, making an AutoUnattend.xml using Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (Windows ADK), more specifically only installing the Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM) from the ADK, add the AutoUnattend.xml to the root of the ISO folder and make an ISO from it. That will skip the OOBE (the setup questions, account creation, and automate the install) and is a base for adding any scripts in the future that you may want to run during setup.

If you want to remove the crud MS pre-installs you'd run some other commands on the files you've copied over to a folder and when done make the ISO from that. E.g you mount the install.wim (the compressed image of the Windows install) using Mount-WindowsImage -ImagePath <path to the install.wim that you copied to a folder> -Name <Name of the Windows install> -Path <path to an empty folder where you want to mount the filesystem contained in the .wim>

Once the image is mounted you can start removing the crud with commands like Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage, Remove-WindowsCapability, and Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature. Personally i use a small script so i don't have to keep typing out commands...something like this...
# Get a list of Enabled Optional Features and store it in the OpFeat variable, iterate through the list
# disabling each unless it matches the words listed in ($FeatureName.FeatureName -match '***|***')
Write-Output "Disabling Features...`n"
$OpFeat = Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Path $Off | Where-Object State -EQ Enabled
foreach ($FeatureName in $OpFeat) {
    if ($FeatureName.FeatureName -match 'SearchEngine') {
        Write-Output "Skipping: $($FeatureName.FeatureName)"
    else {
        Write-Output "Disabling: $($FeatureName.FeatureName)"
        Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -FeatureName $FeatureName.FeatureName -Path $Off | Out-Null

# Get a list of preinstalled UWP apps and store it in the AppxP variable, iterate through the list removing
# each unless it matches the words listed in ($DisplayName.DisplayName -match '***|***')
Write-Output "`nRemoving Provisioned Apps...`n"
$AppxP = Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Path $Off
foreach ($DisplayName in $AppxP) {
    if ($DisplayName.DisplayName -match 'Extension|Store|VCLibs|DesktopAppInstaller') {
        Write-Output "Skipping: $($DisplayName.DisplayName)"
    else {
        Write-Output "Removing: $($DisplayName.DisplayName)"
        Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -PackageName $DisplayName.PackageName -Path $Off | Out-Null

# Get a list of installed Windows Capabilities and store it in the WinCap variable, iterate through the list
# removing each unless it matches the words listed in ($Name.Name -match '***|***')
Write-Output "`nUninstalling Windows Capabilities...`n"
$WinCap = Get-WindowsCapability -Path $Off | Where-Object State -EQ Installed
foreach ($Name in $WinCap) {
    if ($Name.Name -match 'Basic|Notepad|DirectX|ShellComponents|OCR') {
        Write-Output "Skipping: $($Name.Name)"
    else {
        Write-Output "Removing: $($Name.Name)"
        Remove-WindowsCapability -Name $Name.Name -Path $Off | Out-Null
Powershell is pretty intuitive and if/when you get the hang of it you can add scripts that will run during the install of Windows using the AutoUnattend.xml to do things like adding reg tweaks, installing software, disabling services, tasks, and pretty much anything you'd normally do manually.
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Ok what is MSMG is it as good as NTlite?
This. As for whether it's good or not that sort of depends on you're looking to do, I've not looked at it for a few years but last time i did it essentially packages what can be done yourself into a single program that's easier to use.

Personally I've not been a fan of NTlite ever since they went down the freemium route, I've got nothing against them doing that as there's a ton of work that goes into such a program and bills have to be paid, it's just like all the programs that modify a based Windows install ISO they're not really doing anything that you can't do yourself if you have the time. (Although an even longer time ago when i tried the free version of NTlite it does use some non-Microsoft ways of modifying the image so i guess it's a more extreme version of MSMG toolkit).

FWIW what got me into making modified unattended Windows ISO was Win Toolkit, the dev abandoned it 4-5 years ago due to time constraints so i wouldn't advise using it on anything newer than Windows 7, but it gives you a good idea of the sort of things you can do to a Windows image before installing it.

e: MSMG would be my recommendation for people with no experience of modifying Windows images because IIRC their ethos is to not allow the user anything that would break Windows and only use official methods of modifying the image. I wouldn't touch pre-modified Windows ISOs like Tiny Windows or Ghost Spectre with a bargepole due to the nagging thought in the back of my mind that IDK what they actually did, if there maybe a time-bomb in there somewhere.
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There's a lot of stuff in this light edition that you probably won't be able to do due to stripping of files, components e.t.c

It may be alright for light stuff, i.e basic browsing and downloading.
Yes it fine for light stuff or use it on Virtual Machine etc. I read lots of comments on youtube, forums that people stripping lots of things and tried to do very heavy things but on tablets, touchscreen will not worked, apps like Office 365 will not worked and many games will not worked due to missing components. Some people used it claimed it helped fixed games shutterings and majority people found there was no massive improvement in frame rates but just only 1% which was not really worthy to replace official Windows 11 bloated edition with superlite Windows 11 edition created from NTLite and MSMG Toolkit.
This. As for whether it's good or not that sort of depends on you're looking to do, I've not looked at it for a few years but last time i did it essentially packages what can be done yourself into a single program that's easier to use.

Personally I've not been a fan of NTlite ever since they went down the freemium route, I've got nothing against them doing that as there's a ton of work that goes into such a program and bills have to be paid, it's just like all the programs that modify a based Windows install ISO they're not really doing anything that you can't do yourself if you have the time. (Although an even longer time ago when i tried the free version of NTlite it does use some non-Microsoft ways of modifying the image so i guess it's a more extreme version of MSMG toolkit).

FWIW what got me into making modified unattended Windows ISO was Win Toolkit, the dev abandoned it 4-5 years ago due to time constraints so i wouldn't advise using it on anything newer than Windows 7, but it gives you a good idea of the sort of things you can do to a Windows image before installing it.

e: MSMG would be my recommendation for people with no experience of modifying Windows images because IIRC their ethos is to not allow the user anything that would break Windows and only use official methods of modifying the image. I wouldn't touch pre-modified Windows ISOs like Tiny Windows or Ghost Spectre with a bargepole due to the nagging thought in the back of my mind that IDK what they actually did, if there maybe a time-bomb in there somewhere.
If there is a time-bomb in pre-modified Windows ISOs like Tiny or Ghost Spectre after downloaded it then I would knew my Norton 360 will scan iso and will able to detected malware deep inside iso and alerted me warned me that iso contained malware then I will deleted the iso immediately. Also if they have some scripts inside iso, after installed Windows and after booted first time. The scripts would launched automatically to attempted downloaded malware or attempted to installed time-bomb then my Norton 360 will detected, blocked it and removed threats to prevented my virtual machine infected then I will deleted the iso, shutdown Virtual Machine and deleted it immediately. :)

NTDEV posted a video showed how he created Tiny11 to debloated things. Surprisingly he used UUP Dump to downloaded and created Windows 11 iso then used MSMG Toolkit to removed stuffs and then used NTLite to removed 462 files and disabled some things. Hope this will put your paranoid thought in back of your mind to rest. :cry:

Interesting, I been removed very few things used NTLite but never done with 462 files before. Will do it later to copy NTDEV way in the video to create my Tiny11 iso with MSMG Toolkit and NTLite.
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If there is a time-bomb in pre-modified Windows ISOs like Tiny or Ghost Spectre after downloaded it then I would knew my Norton 360 will scan iso and will able to detected malware deep inside iso and alerted me warned me that iso contained malware then I will deleted the iso immediately. Also if they have some scripts inside iso, after installed Windows and after booted first time. The scripts would launched automatically to attempted downloaded malware or attempted to installed time-bomb then my Norton 360 will detected, blocked it and removed threats to prevented my virtual machine infected then I will deleted the iso, shutdown Virtual Machine and deleted it immediately.
If that's the only ways you think that a payload can be delivered and that any nefarious actor can't evade a virus scan once they're already on the system then you've proven my point.

e: Oh and also the fact you're running Norton 360 proves my 'paranoid' approach that's served me well for 40+ years may perhaps be justified.
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Anyone running this piece of software really really does need to step away from a PC. This is the most shocking piece of software ever made.
Dont be silly. :cry:

When the last time you tried Norton 360? it is a massive improvement compared to old bloated Norton Internet Security long time ago which people complained of memory hogs.

I can see you use Microsoft Defender in other thread, Defender offer you basic features but missed many features that Norton and others offered such as VPN, Password Manager, Safecam, cloud backup, dark web monitoring, software updater etc.

Microsoft Defender do not supported boot time scans, heuristics, cloudAV, Intrusion Detection System, Intrusion Prevention System, AntiSpam, Web Protection, Marco Protection etc. It not safe to do online banking with Microsoft Defender. Back in 2010 when my dad used laptop with Windows 7 had problem logged in his online banking, somehow a hacker got my dad mobile number and called him while pretended to be technical support told him he got a problem with Windows as hacker tried to steal my dad bank login details by attempted to disabled Norton Internet Security. Dad asked me for help and I checked settings and found Intrusion Prevention was turned off, I was turned it on when I installed it. Dad tried used my desktop PC to logged in bank and it worked fine. I turned Intrusion Prevention back on and dad was abled to logged in online banking fine. I formatted my dad laptop and cleaned installed Windows 7 but scammers continued to called my dad home and mobile numbers then they stopped called when I upgraded all PCs to Windows 8. If I had not installed Norton Internet Security and used Microsoft Defender instead back in 2010 then hacker would had stole my dad £150,000 pension pot.

When my Norton 360 Premium subscription will expire in 22 days, I will upgrade my subscription to Norton 360 Advanced that will include 3 extra features with social media monitoring, identify restoration support and credit report and score which is really very interesting feature I can download my credit report every month to check to make sure none of scammers and fraudsters steal my identify.

I installed Norton 360 on my android phone too to protect myself from hackers in public wifi hotspots. Since upgraded to Windows 11 I used widgets to read news about mobile phones victims who lost lots of money after downloaded fake apps from Google Play Store or hacked from public wifi because they never installed antivirus and others had phones stolen by thieves from break in the lockers or mugged in public places. I read one sad news recently about a young guy stayed in london visited a friend birthday party and thieves threatened to kill him and stolen his iphone. The guy walked hours to get home then he was panicked about his bank app, authenticator app and password manager app on iphone, he rushed home to freeze his bank account on his macbook but unfortunately the thieves hacked iphone to bypassed password locked screen and took control of his bank account to changed details and locked him out, transferred £16,000 out hours earlier then 2 weeks later guy found out thieves applied £10,000 loan in his name. Poor guy is in financial ruin with all money gone as thieves got control of everything but the bank refused to reimbursed £26,000 because they did not believed guy is a victim of identify theft. I felt really awful for all victims who lost money after banks decided not to reimbursed stolen money. This is much far worse, I hated it, I never want it happen to me. :(
Microsoft Defender do not supported boot time scans, heuristics, cloudAV, Intrusion Detection System, Intrusion Prevention System, AntiSpam, Web Protection, Marco Protection etc.
I don't want to turn this into a whose AV is better thread but that's just plain wrong, and to return to what prompted you into throwing your toys out the pram if you need all the things Norton 360 comes bundled with it does raise questions WRT your internet hygiene, that maybe you shouldn't be installing software that's been modified by some random person on the internet.
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