
5 Jun 2013
Liverpool - UK
Hello one and all!

Today was the day when my forum membership activation was accepted. So what better time then to say hello to everybody :)

My name is, Carl from the great Northwest of, Liverpool. I am 33. I play a range of sports including Football, basketball and badminton, including swimming. I do have a passion were computers are concerned. I love retro gaming..I still play on my Commodore 64/Sega Master-system/Drive/Game gear/Saturn/Dreamcast. Panasonic CDI. Atari 2600/ST/ from time to time. Ah you get the idea lol needless to say anything that is demanding, that is up-to date is a definite must also. Oh yes, I almost forgot to add lol..I have a fascination in the paranormal also. And when I can help it, I like to travel, as well.

It's always good to pick up on more knowledge regarding computers and other little bits, from the expertise of you good people :D
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