Home amp questions

21 Mar 2017
west midlands
Hi all just after some advice
When growing up my dad had a denon pma350 amp. Somehow I have managed to re aquire the amp

I currently run a Cambridge Audio a300 amp with mission 703 speakers I don't have it loud and mainly have it for tv channels cds etc

I have put the denon back in with the same setup biwired same position speakers

As much as it sounds ok I prefer the sound on the Cambridge ( childhood dreams dashed here) mainly around the vocal balance to music the denon seems to not be as. Alanced so the vocals always sound a tad higher

Am I being mad or is it possible the Cambridge amp as it's newer just gives a better sound or a better pairing with the speakers

I am fully aware the denon is more powerful but it's not what I need it for

Many thanks
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