Home and battlefield 2 server, help needed

1 Aug 2008
Hi guys, never done a server before, but I just want it for bf2 hosting my own server and for films and music.

Spec is :

gigabyte ds3
2gb ram
2tb storage for now

I don't know how to even set up a server and how I host my own bf2 server.

Any help would be great
You just need to download and install the dedicated server application. Then it will come with manuals on how to configure it. All you need to do is make sure it's reachable network wise, i.e firewall settings.

File sharing depends on what operating system you put on it. I'd assume you'd go with XP or WHS. But you could go the linux route but I'd not advise that for beginners.

As for the spec, it looks fine.
You just need to download and install the dedicated server application. Then it will come with manuals on how to configure it. All you need to do is make sure it's reachable network wise, i.e firewall settings.

File sharing depends on what operating system you put on it. I'd assume you'd go with XP or WHS. But you could go the linux route but I'd not advise that for beginners.

As for the spec, it looks fine.

So when I install windows server I just download the dedicated server patch for my server and that will work fine on windows server ? And on my gaming rig just make sure i have the game installed and up to date ?

Will I need antivirus for the server ?

So when I install windows server I just download the dedicated server patch for my server and that will work fine on windows server ? And on my gaming rig just make sure i have the game installed and up to date ?

Will I need antivirus for the server ?


No you install windows on the server, be it WHS or XP. Then you download the dedicated server version of the game and isntall that on the server.

And that's it. You would then configure it as per the manuals. The game version on your PC doesn't have anything to do with it.
You probably can register as a GSP, however I doubt you'd be accepted without running a 100meg leased line to your house.
If you really want a server of your own that is ranked you will need to lease one that's co-hosted with a registered server provider.
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"What we recently decided is that in order to keep the trusted network manageable and secure, we will provide trusted server code to hosts that a) can demonstrate the security we need (i.e., total protection of the trusted server code, no FTP access to the boxes running Ranked Servers or anything like that) and b) are willing to host at least 10 free servers for a year. In addition, as they rent additional servers (beyond those first 10) they must also put up more free servers (one for each 10 rented). EA are asking for that arrangement instead of sharing revenue on the server rentals, as we are committed to getting as many secure, free ranked servers as possible for our community."

Plus a whole host of other caveats.
So yeah. Unless you can host 10 dedicated server instances on your box/connection and jump through all the hoops... You are probably better off leasing one.
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