Home budgeting software in 2023?



30 Apr 2003
It's come time to have a review of finances, my partner's been handling things with spreadsheets for years but to lessen the burden on her I'm in need of taking it on.

Outside of excel, Google docs etc. Do people have any specific recommendations for pulling together financial data from multiple sources, banks, cc statements etc.

Things have improved massively over the years with Monzo being an example but traditional banks don't appear to have followed suit.

Ideally I'm after doing analysis first on where stuffs being spent, e.g. here's the statement, categorise by retailer etc. but I instantly default to opening excel...
I'll be honest, I've never been a huge fan of Excel, I spend a lot of my day in it for various none finance related reasons, so returning home to look at finances and state at another sheet isn't a motivator! I know it's me not being able to harness the power of it mind.

I think for analysis I'll go down that route, it's just how to pull together statement data, which annoyingly mostly appears to be in PDF format from my account suppliers :rolleyes:
Thanks all, the money dashboard is exactly the shortcut I was looking for, i'll export to excel for messing around with further bits then.

Only disappointment being that the virgin credit card link mechanism seems to be broken at the moment, but its exactly what I was hoping to find. Great thread!
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I've only managed to add a few accounts today because of forgotten creds, and the virgin integration that was having issues, but, aside from all of that in impressed it's doing exactly what I wanted with little effort, then I can work on things in excel after. It's pretty cool.
I was on the fence about it for that very reason but I think open banking has taken things forward a little. Providing it uses open banking I think you're alright.
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