Home 'entertainment' system price?



4 Aug 2005
Looking to create a home cinema unit on the 'cheap'

Im really just looking for a ballpark figure.
What id need:

1.Case, SSF would be great but im sure it would push up the price

2.Good dvd

3.Good sound

4.Big ass HDD.

5.Doesnt ham up while playing dvds or music. I dont want slow down when watching a movie

6. Doesnt have to be uber quite but it would be nice if it wasnt a jet engine.

Rough price anyone?
squiffy said:
faster cpu imo (55% cpu load 6150) on 3700+ also if scalin ffdsow
replace stock case fans. i own same mobo, not bad but add zalman sb cooler (blue one)
Ill be waiting till mid-summer to get it. I have to get the tv first. So im just weighing up my options right now. Thanks for the tip.
messiah khan said:
Are you hooking the system up to a hi-fi amp or anything? If so, it might be worth considering trying to get a soundcard with optical out.(Thats if your amp has optical in anyway)
Ah yes, should have mentioned that. It will be a replacement for both hifi amp and dvd player.

Id also like to play some......snes games if you get my drift.
I was plannning on using a pc speaker setup. I didnt think they would be that bad really. :o

Wiring on jack plugs wouldnt be too difficult for me. But id rather go down the pc speaker route. I ll consider the seperate amp though.

The speaker system is also gonna have to be hooked up to a 360. I have an optical input on the xbox cable though.
squiffy said:
ok you still but need a ir receiver - I use a decent learning remote but still needed ms remote bundle.
Ah..now thats gonna be a problem.
The computer will be positioned behind me, with wireless keyboard/mouse(or if i could use the pda through a wireless lan link) So ill have to turn around to use the IR.
squiffy said:
ms ir receiver cable is pretty long, probably 7 or 8 feet. also 2 blaster ports and cables supplied.
Ah thats plenty of lenght actually. Thanks for that :D Got me worried for a second.
messiah khan said:
No way could I watch a DVD through my telly speakers. For most of my listening I use my Sennheiser heaphones, as I can turn it up as loud as I want without disturbing people. As I say Mic, pc speakers are getting better all the time, so if you get a decent 5.1 or 7.1 system it should sound perfectly fine. Also makes it easier for cabling if your not hooking it up to a hifi system.
Ill read as many reviews as i can before i decide. Ill have to do some research now
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