Home made spud gun

thats quality, as bad as it sounds id love to see what damage it does to a human at point blank range, 20feet away and 50feet away. That bazooka would do some serious damage
geeza said:
thats quality, as bad as it sounds id love to see what damage it does to a human at point blank range, 20feet away and 50feet away. That bazooka would do some serious damage

Fancy offering your self up for target practice? I would be able to make on quite quickly.

Stelly said:
could hurt :)


Im an engineer so I will look at soil pipe and melons :D, actually wheres Hedge, I have a few weeks off from wednesday and he works as a plumber, i'm thinking plan :)

KaHn said:
Im an engineer so I will look at soil pipe and melons :D, actually wheres Hedge, I have a few weeks off from wednesday and he works as a plumber, i'm thinking plan :)


*Stelly plans a visit to south sheilds* I wanna join in, I wanna join in... coming to think about it I think that you would hit my house from there :)

Stelly said:
*Stelly plans a visit to south sheilds* I wanna join in, I wanna join in... coming to think about it I think that you would hit my house from there :)


Need a bit more than gas maybe.


Also for those who are thinking "go on you'll blow your self up" I know about saftey factors and area's of safe distance..........a long piece of wire and batteries will be my launch mechanism and no pressing a sodding button on it :eek:

KaHn said:
Need a bit more than gas maybe.


Also for those who are thinking "go on you'll blow your self up" I know about saftey factors and area's of safe distance..........a long piece of wire and batteries will be my launch mechanism and no pressing a sodding button on it :eek:


We could make the next big Iraq thing gun in the first Gufl War that saddam was building but in south sheilds... how long do you think it would take MI5 to show up?? lol

Solac said:
Is there a step by step guide into making one anyweher?

would love one :D

Dude its a piece of pipe, super glue and hair spray. Its not rocket science :).

Stelly said:
We could make the next big Iraq thing gun in the first Gufl War that saddam was building but in south sheilds... how long do you think it would take MI5 to show up?? lol


I think I will look at doing it on the beach next to me, or cliffs next to me where they have an old cannon from WW2.

Me and some friends tried for a week straight to build one of these.
We failed miserably :(
burns said:
I wonder how close the diameter of a baked bean can is to that of a drain pipe. That would really hurt.

Thing is with a bean tin you can use fibre thread tape to thicken it out so you get that seal........then if you at a pointed tip you have a armour piercing bean tin :eek:

KaHn said:


How we failed?
I have no idea. We would get them to blast but the potatoes wouldnt leave the chamber.
Then it wouldnt bast at all.
We tryed all shapes and sizes of potatoes and different designs of firing mechanisms but it just wouldnt work.
I dont thing we were getting a big enough bang :(
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