Home Media Streaming helps!

1 Aug 2006
So atm most things in my house use plexTheatre and stream from my PC, I dont really like the fact that everything is stored on my PC and it has to be on all the time to host files for the devices using it, I'm looking for the cheapest possible way to replace my PC as the center of media streaming, how could I do that? preferably still wireless!
Thanks for the suggestions guys but slightlyyyy out of my price range really :D I was looking for something cheaper just so my SSDs arent always on with this PC so the GF can watch crap like Pretty Little Liars etc.

How would a wireless HDD work in this situation?
My sons PC upstairs streams Plex using my PC as the media server, my TV upstairs streams Plex with a NowTV box, SMART TV downstairs uses the Plex app.

They're the locations that use the media mostly, I do like the rasp pi option, is that viable with what I need it for?
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