Home network server

4 Mar 2010
Anyone provide advice or a link to explain what I would like at home?

Basically a home server that we can all access and store all family photos/media. Plus a central point for work data and movies etc we can stream to a tv or laptop or iPhone.

Is this possible on a small budget or am I being unrealistic and wanting too much in todays hitec world?
Can accomplish all that with a decent nas. If you want a server then an hp micro server is a good choice, but you will get irritated a bit setting it up.
Can accomplish all that with a decent nas. If you want a server then an hp micro server is a good choice, but you will get irritated a bit setting it up.
thanks, I'm no techie so I get irritated easily. A nas (whatever that is) sounds better, any link in here or will I just google what to get and do? Thanks
nas = network attached storage

Start with having a look at the nas section of OC, pick a model then decide if you want more or less features. I like Synology - they are a little more pricey but have pretty much every feature you can think of.
nas = network attached storage

Start with having a look at the nas section of OC, pick a model then decide if you want more or less features. I like Synology - they are a little more pricey but have pretty much every feature you can think of.
thanks, cant even find the nas section in here so what chance do I have, lol
i've also heard QNAP is more 'enterprise' and the Synology is a lot more friendly.

how much have you got to store (size wise) as you may find that it will be cheaper to look at cloud solutions.
well you will probably be looking at 2x 2tb disks - so you're going to be *roughly* talking £250 and upwards depending on which model you choose
i've also heard QNAP is more 'enterprise' and the Synology is a lot more friendly.

how much have you got to store (size wise) as you may find that it will be cheaper to look at cloud solutions.
I've played with both, and I hated QNAP. They just make all the wrong assumptions. It seemed to me that QNAP enabled everything by default and I had to go around disabling stuff, whereas Synology all the defaults made a lot more sense. The Synology UI is a lot more mature, it's a lot more consistent; the QNAP UI feels like it's still in the process of being modernised, and there are lots of places where it's downright hideous. At every turn I felt that QNAP was chasing Synology. I was actually very disappointed, as I found a *really* cheap 10G 8-bay QNAP but I ended up sending it back because I just hated their interface so much.
And remember that your photos may be backed up at home, but you'd still lose them in the case of fire, flood, theft or alien invasion.

I have a USB 3 RAID box, but a couple of external USB3 hard drive as secondary and tertiary backup for photos and movies.
For the amount of storage you require, i'd advise considering a cloud storage account instead. Something like a OneDrive or a GoogleDrive monthly subscription may be a cheaper option, and more secure in the event of a fire, for example.
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