Home office server

5 Jul 2012
My dads asked me to sort him out with a cheap server for the office. At the minute he only really needs some sort of NAS with the ability to access it remotely but I think it would be good if there was the possibility of upgrading it later on so his website could be run off it or the email server etc.

Doesn't matter if its has to be linux based as I've got a bit of experience with linux on desktops so I'm sure I could manage it for the server.

Any ideas on whats the sort of minimum amount you'd be looking at for a very basic server to start off with?

Not a 100% sure but I think its mainly a load of documents, pdfs, autocad files, stuff like that. He'll probably also want to keep a copy of the databases he uses for getting prices from on it as well.
Seriously, just go cloud based for email and doc storage, so much less hassle and far more reliable.

Only reason for nas would be crazy amounts (tbs) of data or if you have a terrible internet connection.
Get a NAS for storing files locally, don't even think about hosting websites, email servers -- use the cloud for that. Poorly maintained servers are a huge source of viruses and malware.
All IMO but,

Keep files locally for speed, especially as you say autocad, they can get big. Have some sort of offsite backup (Be that amazon glacier, secure webspace or whatever) that is backed up as often as is felt necessary.

Website hosting should always be hosted by someone else these days. Unless you are a web host, there's just no point in hosting it yourself!!

Email hosting again, I wouldn't look to set up an in house mail server unless there's a really good reason. Use google apps, office365, any reputable cloud solution. Better uptime and generally lower costs.

I assume there's no need for a domain controller etc?
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