Home Page design

19 Jul 2006
Is it best to have the home page with a bit of info then for example 3 column content section (similar to http://foundation.zurb.com/templates/orbit.html ) with each of them been for a certain sector like home, business , education. So that the user can click on there type and then see the services available to them OR
List everything you do on the homepage with links to read more a little bit similar to http://travisneilson.com/
Well it's really up to you tbh.

The later of the two links you provided isn't as clear and could be confusing to some users.

It's up to you to design your page to direct the users where you want them to go. ;)
It is best to design a page that will be the easiest to navigate for your customers/users.

Off your very rough idea of what you want, I would say the 3 column is a good way to go.
Thank you both.
I the 3 column is the way to go, get them to the page they want faster and less confusing stuff for them.
Design isnt really a strong point of mine
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