Home SAN fibre system

27 Sep 2009
I've decided to build my own SAN fibre solution in my home. Probably over-engineering but that's part of the fun! Basically it will be a SAN server connected via fibre to my main PC provided extremely high throughput speeds of hopefully around 800MB/s, well over the my current 1GB ethernet speed of 65MB/s. To give a comparison, USB 3 runs at 5 Gb/s (640MB/s).

My reasons for doing this are for super-fast backups of TBs of data plus fast Blue-Ray quality media streaming to my TV.

I will keep a diary on my blog and update the links on this post:

  1. Home SAN Infiniband Solution Introduction
  2. Home SAN Infiniband Solution Plan
    Home SAN Infiniband Solution - Server Build Diary
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I am ordering all the equipment atm so will post some photos of the server build :)

I am really looking forward to it but a feel a bit daunted! I'll probably come to you guys for advice :D
For what it''s worth, I have the same case and I had the same issue with the screws.
The case is cheap, it's a little flimsy but it does the job. Mines holding a 8x2TB NAS.
Brute force for me. They were really soft and I damaged them but eventually got them out with a small flat headed screwdriver.

Oddly the 404 short I bought at the same time was fine
I don;t know if this is helpful - when I've been unable to get a screw out and the head starts to get chewed up I've used a dremel to cut a deeper slot to get better purchase in the screw head.
I've built a couple of failover configured homebuilt SANs before. It's certainly an interesting project I've never used infiniband though, I just stuck with multiple fibre HBAs and a fibre channel switch.
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