Home security

1 May 2003
I have just purchased my first home, and I am looking for a decent alarm system. Not sure if I want a monitored one due to the cost, but if anyone can recommened a few make & models or post some links would be just as good

TIA :)
Personally I wouldn't go for an alarm system as such, but more of a surveillance system. Video and audio recording with motion and POE detectors. Completely passive and non-alerting to the would-be trespasser.

Alarms are fairly easy to disarm, and also VERY prone to false alarms to the point that they finally get ignored. How many car alarms actually attract police attention other than the owner getting in trouble for noise pollution? Same thing with house alarms. All they do is anger your neighbors and don't deter a thief at all.

But a video and audio surveillance system will capture thier face, voice, and actions for later prosecution. Trying to deter a criminal in mondern society just doesn't work. Prosecuting them with iron-clad evidence does.

Placed at key entry points. Job done.
I watched a great gadget show episode with a security system linked up to a lappy and the interweb. You can then view your house on a website whilst anywhere in the world, Kin marvelous. The system also linked to vid capture a simulated dog bark and pre recorded voice.
Best of all the dude done the whole job for very little cost and used existing household powerpoints for routing and fairly inexpensive equipment.
Infa red beams on the fence were a nice touch then automated voice then dog barking then lights being switched on round the house and all captured on your hard drive for later. :cool:
Look into it i am sure it's the way to go.
malc30 said:
I watched a great gadget show episode with a security system linked up to a lappy and the interweb.

I'm 100% positive OCUK at one time sold 'webcams' with their own IP address so that you could put it in your router and access it from anywhere in the world on the web.
Home security? You need the following- Survaillance Camera with internet access and auto dialler, A big guard or territorial dog, a big fence. Job done. :)
LordSplodge said:
Shotgun, nothing else comes close.

And if you are out the house then tie it up to some string and when they open the door...BOOM!

**OMG what ive done i just blasted my mrs***
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LordSplodge said:
Shotgun, nothing else comes close.

And if you are out the house then tie it up to some string and when they open the door...BOOM!

Not particularly friendly or helpful to the first firemen that kicks your door open after a neighbour reports smelling smoke. ;)
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