Home Theatre System Connection

7 Jun 2005
North East
Forgive the naive question guys...

My current setup is a Panasonic 50" G20 plasma and a Bose 321 2.1 system.

The Bose is of course an over priced piece of kit, but the 2.1 form factor won my missus over. It is now approaching 4-5 years old. Now, my current setup is:

TV -> Phono -> Bose
HTPC -> Optical SPDIF -> Bose
Games Console -> Coax -> Bose

Effectively as well as all of the above sources having HDMI going to the TV for picture, the sound is routed to the Bose using as many as the available connections I have on the rear of the Bose.

What confuses me is if I were to buy a modern home theatre speaker package and ditch the Bose, how do they connect nowadays with HDMI?

Do all sources go in to the TV with their respective HDMI cable, the what, just one HDMI going out from the TV to the speaker system which would carry all audio from all sources? Would this provide DTS/Dobly surround etc?
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