Homefront(2): The Revolution

10 Apr 2009
Super Leeds
Coming 2015.

I'm interested in this. While the first game wasn't brilliant you could sense there was a good game waiting to be made out of the storyline. With Crytek UK/Free Radical making the game I'm hoping the sequel will be what the first game should have been.

I also want them to keep the MP quite similar. The game size was somewhere in between COD and BF.
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I really wanted to try to like the first game, but never managed to finish it.

I just couldn't put up with the voice-over of the guy you were running around with, it sounded like he was voiced by Trey Parker. Every time you were dealing with a gritty situation he'd say something that sounded like it was lifted straight from Team America. Totally broke the immersion for me!
I'd like to ask you more floatindolpin, but this isn't the place

Anyway with what vague details we do have it wouldn't surprise me considering how bloated Crytek is as an independent developer - I am surprised about the details regarding the profitability of their previous games and how they are having trouble with engine/military contracts...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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