Homemade chicken dopiaza

1 Jan 2010
Cirencester, nr Swindon
Just knocked up a quick curry from a book I was given for Christmas.

One of my favourite curries, although this is the first time I've made a dopiaza from scratch. Onions, garlic, tomatoes, ginger, turmeric, cumin and fresh chillies. I was a little generous on the chillies ha ha. Nose and eyes still running. Birds eyes, cayennes and a scotch bonnet.


I cheated on the rice, uncle bens micro rice and tesco chipatis.

I'll post up the full recipe if I get enough interest.
It looks quite tasty. If it's quick and easy to make I'd like to see how you made it. If it involves 30+ minutes of prep time, not so interested :)
This rice was hollowed out. The curry was down to plate below.

Going to start writing the recipe out in a bit.

4 small onions quartered
1 onion finely diced
5 Cloves of crushed garlic
2 chicken breasts into strips/chunks
1 tin of tomatoes semi blended
Olive Oil
½ cup hot water
½ tsp ginger
1 tsp corriander dried leaf
½ tsp turmeric
½ tsp cumin
2-3 whole chillis (type depends on how hot you like it)
¼ tsp chilli powder
½ tsp ground black pepper
½ tsp salt
2 bay leaves

Heat 2 tsp oil in a wok/frying pan etc
Gently fry the quartered onions until soft, not brown. Remove from heat and set aside.

Fry the bay leaves, corriander, black pepper, garlic, diced onions,ginger,turmeric,chillies and chilli powder for 5 mins to release the flavours

Then add the salt, blended tomatos and hot water, allow to simmer for 5 mins to thicken slightly.

Once sauce has reduced a little add in your chicken, cook for 10 mins until tender then add in the ¼ d onions from earlier, stir through and continue cooking for 5 mins.

Serve however you like
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there is no way those things are chapati's they are naan breads and the best way to cook those "fake" naans is to cut them into 3 equal pieces and toast them in a toaster
Looks really nice, might give it a go! I'll probably swap the chicken for lamb though, i always seem to prefer it in curries for some reason :)
there is no way those things are chapati's they are naan breads and the best way to cook those "fake" naans is to cut them into 3 equal pieces and toast them in a toaster


Do you guys cook the chicken in the sauce then? I normally fry it off first with the onions.

I tend to cook the meet in the sauce with curries even beef/lamb seems to let the meet take on the flavour of the curry more. Your right thaough it does seem a little odd as for a pie/stew/hotpot I'd never dream of not browning the meat off first.
If you can cook, it's really worthwhile using proper rice. You will save yourself a lot of money in the long run. You can microwave ordinary rice if you are looking for that convenience.

1 Pyrex dish.
1cup of rice (rinsed)
3 cup boiled water

30-35 min on ~300 on the microwave.
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