Homemade nut butter

6 Dec 2005
I know Freefaller makes his own, but does anyone else make their own? Any suggestions on recipes & nut combinations?

Thanks. :)
Haha! Well remembered! :) I haven't made my own in a while.

I like mixing almonds and peanuts. Roast them for about 8 or so minutes at around 160-180C.

Blend them, I add almond or walnut oil a touch of salt too. You can add some sugar or honey.

It's a balance of what consistency you want. Experiment!

Sounds good. With the consistency is it just a case of how much you blend them? Or does adding extra oil really change things? I've noticed in recipes online that it's only ever a tablespoon or so.

"Nut butter" hahaha.

And Freefaller "makes his own". LOL.


Errrr... :confused:
Still actually haven't got a blender! Getting sick of eating almonds raw and having bits just randomly appearing hours later. Want to just get a massive spoonful and shove it in my gob! :D
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