homeserver issue

22 Nov 2010
to i have a hp microserver running whs11

its all been running lovely for the past 4 years.

ive just changed my router and now i cant access any of the shares on the server from my pc.

pc & server are both plugged into the same switch as they have been for 4 years.

i can rdp to the server though.

no changes have been made to either machine.

anyone got any ideas?
ive managed to royally mess it up now, disabled my network adapter and dont have a vga cable to plug it in to re-enable. gotta order one and try again tomorrw.
VGA cable came.
i plugged PC (windows 10) into a switch
i plugged server (WHS11) into the switch

server shows on the network in explorer on the PC.
i can RDP into the server from the PC

i have tried a whole heap of stuff which i have no clue about which i found on google.

netsh things
turn off file & print sharing and turning back on
uninstalling file and print sharing and reinstalling.
created new shares
set server to automatically get ip address
set server to manual ip adress
put server in DMZ in router
turned off all firewalls on both machines.

nothing seems to work.

was working fine until the other day when the only thing that changed was the router which the switch was plugged in to.

but having the pc and server plugged into the same switch and removing the router should remove this from the equation surely?

i also used to be able to use my phone and solid explorer to access the shares on the server which i cant do now either.

half tempted to build a cheap 2nd server and move everything over to that (as im not really a fan of WHS11 anyways)
Oh wait, you're running 2011? D'oh! It's so long since I've worked on it that I've forgotten most things. You really should upgrade to Windows Server Essentials 2016 (NOT 2019).

That first pic shows that the server is using your router as its DNS. So the question is, does your new router offer DNS? What is your new router? What was your old one?
new router is a BT Hub 6 (i am on plusnet)

old router was a virgin media one not sure on model.

funny you should mention the DNS though. when i try log onto the OCUK forum i get a DNS error and then it refreshes and sorts itself out
TTBOMK the BT Homehub 6 does not act as a DNS server. It would seem that your old router did. So you need to set up a local DNS server. Something you might like to try is plugging the WAN port of your old router into the new router and then plugging everything into that. Make sure you change the IP range the BT Homehub gives out first.

Aren't isp supplied routers just plug and play though?

I shouldn't need to faff around with DNS things? Server and pc are both set to get ip address and DNS automatic.
I have checked over your settings @joelk2 and it's not your network config itself, that looks fine to me.

Something on the server. Is your firewall turned on by any chance? Can you turn off your firewall temp and try accessing the server by \\ and I assume you have set up usernames and passwords on the shares right? or you just allowing everyone to access it by guest?

EDIT: Also can you check your windows 10 machine to see if the network type is public or private?
If it's in public can you change it to private and also try again.

Firewall is off on the server. (Even turned it off on the pc to see if that was the issue)

Folder shares are just set to everyone giving read and write access. Will add guest to the list aswell just incase.

Will check the private/public setting shortly and report back

It was odd as it was working one minute but not the next (while I was using it)

My Plex clients can also still see the Plex server and play the files
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joel any chance you can tell us a bit more about your network? maybe a diagram or in words what is connected to what ?

I remember something a while back about microsoft disabling smb shares version 1 due to security. Maybe, just maybe an update caused that and it's disabled that setting. I know enabling it again is a security risk and the nas or server has to support smb

so some more info which might be useful.

the homeserver last update was in 2013

the network hasnt changed since this date (house moves have happened but the setup has always been the same) - its a really simple setup

i have been sent a new plusnet router which i thought might help somewhat but there is no change, i believe the issue lies entirely with the server

ive actually now taken the server offline as whenever i connect it to the network now it causes the internet to drop out and puts my router in some kind of boot loop which is really weird.


i think the only solution now is to extract all of the files onto an external hdd and reinstall the OS and redo the server (maybe even switch to freenas)
Update to this thread. I ended up buying a big HDD. Transferring all my files off the server. Wiped it. Installed freenas and copied everything back.

Freenas seems good. Plex is running a lot better than it did on WHS11
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